Hans Jürgen Raabe, born in 1952, is a German expat who has been living and working – as a journalist, publisher and manager - abroad for many years. A student of the famous theatre photographer Haendler-Krah, Kiel, Raabe, dedicated himself to the 990 Faces Project after a nearly 30-year break from photography and as a continuation of his previous book publications and exhibitions (e.g. Berlin Graffiti, 1982). Raabes passion and his photography is about ‘reality‘ – capturing life as it is, without the use of props, artificial lighting or photoshopping. His photographs are images of split second experience captured on the spur of the moment, without any artifice, posing, make up – they are direct, unadorned snapshots of real people and real life – and at the same time brim with poetry.


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